TsNIGRI performs comprehensive rock, ore, and mineral property and composition study in prospecting for diamond, precious and base metal deposits using innovative methods and technologies.
Main focus of mineralogical and geochemical studies
Mineragraphic and petrographic studies, instrumental diagnostics of minerals involving their typomorphism study, mineralogical analysis of concentrates, ore concentrates, technological samples and their processing products. Designing mineral formation sequence schemes involving productive mineral association identification, determining modes of metal occurrence.
Thermobarogeochemical and isotope studies: determination of d34S, d13C and d18О; thermoluminescence parameters; temperature, pressure, composition and concentration of mineral-forming solutions based on fluid inclusion microthermometry analysis data; total fluid inclusion analysis involving gas (СО2, СН4 an so on), concentration, salt ([Na,K,Ca,Mg][Cl,SO4,F]) and a wide range of trace elements (Au, Ag, As, Sb, Mo, B and so on) determination.
ORE-FORMING FLUID INCLUSIONS IN QUARTZ - Mineralogical and geochemical modeling of ore deposits, designing a complex of mineralogical, isotope-geochemical and thermobarogeochemical criteria of their forecasting and prospecting.
Thermobarogeochemical mapping of prospective areas for rapid sorting of geochemical anomalies and mineralized zones by a set of quantitative features (thermoluminescence parameters, fluid inclusions composition), localization of prospecting sites and their ranking by exploration stages.
TsNIGRI devised an express technique to identify kimberlite indicator minerals in concentrates using IR Fourier microscope. Predominant typomorphic value of structural nitrogen admixtures in diamond was found; by their distribution, crystals are combined in groups-populations (I-VI) formed in various PT conditions. Population ratio is specific to each deposit and can be efficiently used in identifying potential areas for prospecting. Forecasting and concentrate-mineralogical prospecting for a new primary source are based on finding diamonds, characterized by typomorphic features uncommon for diamonds from the revealed deposits, in placers.
TsNIGRI developed gold deposit forecasting and prospecting method based on sulfide sulfur and organic carbon isotope distribution in ore-hosting strata rocks (deposits are hosted by carbonaceous-terrigenous complexes). The method is based on natural ore matter accumulation confinement to areas of hydrothermal-sedimentary paleosystem evolution in consedimentation depressions. Potentially productive lithologic-stratigraphic levels can already be located at early prospecting stages by abnormally high δ34S and δ13C values. Such specific isotope-geochemical haloes are traced for 10 km from deposits and can be outlined as potential ore fields. This will allow to localize detailed prospecting areas. The method was successfully tested in exploration as part of mineralogical-geochemical mapping along key profiles in Bodaibo gold district.
TsNIGRI can perform all the necessary ore and metasomatite composition studies in precious and base metal forecasting, prospecting and exploration including: