04 March 2020

Russian workshop "Progress in geoinformation support for solving subsurface geological study and mining problems, formation and maintenance of unified geological database»

On February 25-26, 2020, the Russian workshop "Progress in geoinformation support for solving subsurface geological study and mining problems, formation and maintenance of unified geological database" was held at FSBI Rosgeolfond.

The meeting was attended by Rosnedra representatives, top sectoral organizations from Russia and the CIS, as well as producing companies of the Russian software for geoinformation systems: the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, FSBI Rosgeolfond and TFGI, FSBI VSEGEI, FSBI VNIGNI, FSBI "Center of Geodesy, Cartography and SDI", the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr), FSBI TsNIGRI, LLC Gazpromneft STC, LLC Mineral-info, PJSC JSC ALROSA, JSC SPC Nedra, LLC MNP Geodata, FSBI Gidrospetsgeologiya, FBI SRC, DigitalSpirit, Visiology.

The meeting was held to develop the digitalization of public services in subsurface mining. The issues discussed are of national importance and, according to the attendants, will affect the development of the geological sector as a whole.

Like in previous years, the meeting in Rosgeolfond served as a venue for business contacts, communication, sharing experience and discussion of pressing issues in geology digitalization and subsurface mining.


FSBI TsNIGRI was represented by A.I. Chernykh, General Director, as well as employees of geoinformation systems department: A.M. Vakhrushev, Head of department; A.V. Antonets, Deputy head of department; S.V. Fedorenko, top engineer; and A.S. Loshakova, top engineer of the geological and economic deposit assessment department.

A.M. Vakhrushev presentation at the Russian workshop

A.M. Vakhrushev made a presentation, "Using software for diverse data visualization and analysis ".