22 May 2020

B.K. Mikhailov, Honored geologist of the Russian Federation,
Deputy General Director of JSC Rosgeology
and Director of TsNIGRI in 2012-2015, passes away

On May 21, 2020, B.K. Mikhailov, State adviser of the Russian Federation, a major specialist in economic aspects of the Russian mineral sector modernization and one of the leading Russian geologists, died suddenly. He managed TsNIGRI in 2012-2015 and continued close cooperation with our institute until his last days. TsNIGRI team is deeply upset by the tragic news.

Honored geologist of the Russian Federation (2005), winner of the Russian Government prize in science and technology (2007) and Honorary subsurface explorer, B.K. Mikhailov was an outstanding man. His long-term and fruitful work was awarded various national and professional awards.

A graduate of Novosibirsk State University, B.K. Mikhailov accumulated professional experience working as part of geological and geophysical teams in various regions of the country (Magadan and Orenburg regions) and in the Central geophysical team of the Northeastern territorial geological Department, where his career ranged from a young specialist to chief geologist. In 1992, he was appointed chief geologist, then head of the Department of regional geological, geophysical, hydrogeological and geoecological works of the Northeastern Committee on Geology and Subsurface management (Sevvostgeolkom). In total, he has worked in the Magadan region and Chukotka for almost 30 years.

B.K. Mikhailov's professionalism, talent as an organizer, and ability to solve complex issues made him a highly sought-after specialist. In 1997-1999, he was a geologist of BHP Group Resources Pty. Ltd. branch, then he worked as a project geologist for BHP Minerals International Exploration Inc.

In 1999, he worked in the Committee of Natural Resources for the Magadan region, an entity of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (MNR RF), as a Deputy Chairman/Head of Department, then Deputy Head of the Committee.

In 2001, he was appointed Head of the Department of geological-economic and cost estimates under strategic planning Office of MNR RF and subsequently Head of the ministerial Department of mineral resources.

In 2004-2012, he worked hard and fruitfully in the Federal Agency for Subsurface Management as Head of the Department of Geology and Nonfuel Minerals Licensing and subsequently the Department of Nonfuel Minerals Geology. At the same time, he was engaged in scientific research and successfully supported his thesis, "Development of economic mechanisms for the modernization of the Russian mineral sector on an innovative basis", in 2010

In 2012, B.K. Mikhailov, a geologist with forty years of experience, an experienced manager and a PhD, took over the Central Research Institute of Geological Prospecting for Base and Precious Metals and remained Director of the institute until 2015. During this challenging period, he was able to enhance the practical significance of scientific research and develop new work areas.

B.K. Mikhailov initiated many key projects in the Russian geology in the 21st century such as an extensive reestimation of gold resource potential in the Magadan region based on the study of large-tonnage deposits hosted by carbonaceous-terrigenous sequences; scientific and methodical support development and introduction to exploration; system of geological-economic and cost analysis of major Russian regions; program and target exploration planning principles, etc.

B.K. Mikhailov's broad erudition, extraordinary organizational skills, ability to correctly select priority areas in exploration planning at various stages and love of geology earned him well-deserved authority and respect among geologists in our country and abroad. A true professional, he devoted his whole life to geology. His practical achievements and ideas for improving the geological industry are reflected in many production reports, scientific papers, and fundamental reports at International geological congresses, conferences, and meetings in the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and Rosnedra.

It is hard for us to imagine that our friend and colleague is no longer with us. TsNIGRI team expresses its deep condolences to the family of B.K. Mikhailov. We will keep his memory alive!