Online version of a new “National Geology”journal issue available on TsNIGRI website
In October 2020, a double issue (№ 4-5) of “National Geology” journal was published. The paper, “Koryak-Kamchatka region – a potential porphyry copper province”, is the first one in analytical materials section. Its authors, I.F. Migachev, O.V. Minina and V.S. Zvezdov (PhDs), for the first time assessed prospects of this region using a unique porphyry copper deposit forecasting method developed in TsNIGRI. One important conclusion of their analysis relates to directions of further forecasting-mineragenic activities within areas hosting Au-rich copper-arsenic and gold-polysulfide ore occurrences.
“Metallic and nonmetallic mineral deposits” section presents the results of joint studies by S.V. Yablokova and N.N. Pozdnyakova (PhDs, TsNIGRI), and G.G. Samosorov, PhD. Their paper, “Typomorphic gold features as criteria of placer association with primary gold-silver-type sources (an example from Mnogovershinnoye ore placer cluster)”, focuses on comprehensive study of gold geochemical and typomorphic features; the study provided an insight into significant placer formation potential of Mnogovershinnoye Au-Ag deposit. It is even more interesting due to the fact that gold-silver deposits’ placer formation potential is generally insignificant. The results of comparing gold features (morphology, fineness, impurity elements and internal structure) from Mnogovershinnoye orebodies and placers are illustrated by macrophotos.
The paper by N.S. Ostapenko, PhD, and O.N. Neroda, “Genesis of Kupol gold-silver deposit (northeastern Russia)”, also focuses on metallic and nonmetallic deposit study. The paper discusses a near-surface Late Cretaceous volcanics-hosted Au-Ag deposit with vein and vein-stringer orebodies; it is unusual and, therefore, of special interest to researchers. Efficient forecasting for such high-grade Au-Ag deposits in various volcanic belts requires correct assessment of all their formation aspects; based on critical analysis of data available to the authors, they proposed their own version of Kupol deposit origin.
The paper by A.A. Kokovkin, PhD (“Regional geology” section), “Bureya landslide phenomenon: field data and formation model”, presented study results of a natural phenomenon, which generated much interest in December 2018. In his study, he used an interdisciplinary approach. The author emphasized that high-amplitude Holocene and modern pulse shear deformations were discovered within Bureya landslide cluster for the first time. So far, it is the only discovery for Holocene tectonics and geodynamics.
“Lithology, petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry” section includes a paper by D.A. Petrochenkov, PhD, “Jewelry and ornamental ammonites from Hauterivian deposits, Ulyanovsk region. Mineral composition and gemological characteristics”. The paper presents the results of comprehensive research into ammonites from Lower Cretaceous Hauterivian deposits near Ulyanovsk on the right Volga bank. This is where most interior and jewelry ornamental ammonites are mined in Russia. Specialists form RGGRU, VIMS and IGEM RAS were involved in optical-petrographic, electron probe and electron microscope studies, quantification of chemical and mineral ammonite composition, their density, microhardness and luminescence. The paper includes fine structure photos by an electron microscope.
The analytical block final section, “World ocean geology and geophysics”, includes a paper, “Studies of hydrothermal fields on the World ocean floor using «Mir» deepsea manned vehicles” by A.M. Sagalevich and V.D. Sagalevich. The authors summarized geological study results for various hydrothermal fields in the World ocean. Some of them provide quantitative estimates of ore formation and methane seepage.
“National Geology” continues to publish materials dedicated to the 75th Great Patriotic War victory anniversary: this issue includes unique memories by war veterans from “Geologists at war” book, which was published in TsNIGRI 25 years ago as a limited edition and became a rarity. The veteran stories are illustrated by A. Yurgina, the journal graphic artist. TsNIGRI continues its important work to perpetuate the memory of colleagues who fought at the war; an article by V.O. Konyshev, A.V. Antonets and E.N. Sidorova, “We remember”, highlights this activity.
The issue contains archive materials covering various periods of scientific, teaching and social life of Academician G.V. Bogomolov, an outstanding scientist most famous in national hydrogeology and engineering geology; he won state prizes and contributed numerous papers to “Soviet Geology” journal. These materials were published to mark his 115th anniversary.
In October 2020, A.A. Konstantinovsky, PhD, a top TsNIGRI metallogeny researcher, passed away on the eve of his 90th anniversary. The final article is dedicated to him.
An online version of this issue is available on the official journal website.